Case study: use of process performance indicators in the management of cotton cultivars production
Process. Indicators - KPI. Management.Abstract
Abstract: Every productive process requires both technical and management knowledge, and in agribusiness companies it is the same. Adopting practices and tools to generate better results have has provoked a behavioral change that impacts the professionalization of an entire productive chain. In this context, the company is the focus main subject of this study, where the adherence to the use of process performance indicators in management and decision making has been verified. The study focused on the development of cotton cultivars process, where an exploratory and descriptive research was applied, with a qualitative and quantitative data approach. It was checked that leaders are the leadership is aware of the relevance of indicators and its effects on business management, although despite it is not implemented as a management routine, being applied punctually in some specific works and projects. In general, this research suggests good practices to be incorporated in the management that can leads to better decision, knowledge sharing knowledge and increasing earnings company’s incomings for the company thereafter.
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