Analysis and proposal of improvements for students' satisfaction regarding the moments of truth in a public university
University. Services. Quality in services. Moment of truth.Abstract
The service industry is strongly present on day by day of users, having a significant participation in the country’s economy. Universities have a fundamental role for the development of the country once they are responsible for shaping the new professionals. In this way, they need to have quality related to the services provided by those involved (teachers, technicians and managers), and they need to understand the perceived quality of services by the clients (students). Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the quality of services provided by a public university from the client’s satisfaction level related to the moments of truth identified. The study presented has a qualitative approach, using the case study research method. As results, it was identified that majority of dissatisfactions are present in the service facilitating goods, as book and internet availability. The research provided knowledge about the causes of dissatisfaction of students and improvement opportunities, to guarantee quality for the provided services. It also collaborated to fill a gap in the literature on the use moments of truth in the evaluation of the quality of services in universities.Downloads
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