Comparative study of layouts from the perspective of the theory of constraints with support of discrete event simulation in a food company


  • Lucas Eggers Assunpção Universidade do Vale do Taquari
  • William Jacobs Universidade do Vale do Taquari



Layout. Discrete Event Simulation. Theory Of Constraints. Performance Indicators.


The layout exerts important interferences in the manufacturing systems of the companies. However, it is not an easy task to predict all the variables in layout rearrangement, and whether it will ultimately meet the company goals. In order to contribute to this issue, the present study proposed a new approach for layout analysis, using the discrete event simulation and the operational indicators of Theory of Constraints (TOC), to evaluate the most appropriate layout - job shop or cellular - to be used in a food company. This analysis was performed with the TOC indicators: gain, investments and operating expenses. First the best-selling products in a period of 12 months were identified with the ABC curve. Then the layout projects were carried out: the job shop layout design was performed using the Computerized Relationship Layout Planning (CORELAP) method, and the cellular layout design through the production flow analysis (FPA). After the modeling of the layouts with the collected data, the simulations were carried out and analyzed based on the TOC operational indicators pointing out the most appropriate layout. The results showed that the job shop layout presented the best performance at the perspective of TOC operational indicators, providing an increase in the gain (+12,34%), a reduction in investments (-11,47%) and a reduction in operating expenses (-18,71%). This study demonstrated that the job shop layout, in the context studied, offered greater productive flexibility, positively impacting the operational indicators of TOC and that such indicators can be effective tools in the comparison of layouts.


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How to Cite

Assunpção, L. E., & Jacobs, W. (2019). Comparative study of layouts from the perspective of the theory of constraints with support of discrete event simulation in a food company. Revista Produção Online, 19(1), 152–178.


