Identification of relationships between the critical success factors, barriers and practices for implementation of lean production on a small company


  • Lais do Nascimento Ghizoni Pereira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Guilherme Luz Tortorella Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Lean Production. Small Company. Critical Success Factors. Lean Practices. AHP.


The Lean Production implementation process can vary according to the existing problems and the context in which the company is inserted. Thus, this article aims to identify how the critical success factors, barriers and practices for lean implementation in a small company. For this, the main FCS, barriers and practices of PE related to small companies were initially consolidated from a bibliographic review. Through semi-structured interviews and focus groups with the leaders of a small electronics manufacturing company in lean implementation, the relationships between FCS, barriers and lean practices were evaluated and ranked through the incorporation of a multi-criteria analysis tool. In addition to the theoretical contribution already made, this study presentes practical implications, since it provides a guide to assist the lean implementation in small manufacturing companies. In addition, the greater understanding of these relationships under the context under study enables managers to anticipate potential problems, allowing a more successful lean implementation. At the end the results were analyzed and concluded with suggestions for future research.


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Author Biography

Lais do Nascimento Ghizoni Pereira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Mestranda no DEPS na área de gestão de operações, com foco em produção enxuta.


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How to Cite

Pereira, L. do N. G., & Tortorella, G. L. (2018). Identification of relationships between the critical success factors, barriers and practices for implementation of lean production on a small company. Revista Produção Online, 18(4), 1422–1444.


