Framework for determination ofbarriers to the management of knowledge


  • Maria Clara Cunha Bezerra Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Rafael Targino Dantas de Lima Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Márcia Maria de Figueiredo Maciel Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Ricardo Moreira da Silva Universidade Federal da Paraíba



Barriers. Knowledge management. Framework.


In the global context, knowledge has been used as a resource in organizations and   recognized as a source of sustainable competitive advantage in the business field, which led the companies to adopt new postures focused on knowledge management (KM) and learning. However, in order to achieve this new and improved way of management, its necessary to overcome several barriers. this article aims to present a framework that points out the barriers to the implantation of the knowledge management (KM) in organizations. This framework was constructed based on a systematic review of the literature in the “Web of Science” database, in which the clusters analysis technique and the content analysis were used, resulting in a barriers model / list to KM grouped in individual, organizational, technological and cross-category barriers. This framework contributes to science since it manages to bring together a range of types of barriers in a single framework, and also for the organizations for being an easy to use tool, allowing the rapid identification of several barriers that hamper knowledge management implementation. To illustrate the framework's efficacy, a case study was carried out in an administrative sector of a Paraiba's higher education public institution of, where it was possible to evaluate barriers in the sector, and also the degree of correlation between them


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How to Cite

Bezerra, M. C. C., de Lima, R. T. D., Maciel, M. M. de F., & da Silva, R. M. (2018). Framework for determination ofbarriers to the management of knowledge. Revista Produção Online, 18(4), 1398–1421.


