Practical perceptions of industrial manufacturing workstations adequacy for the inclusion of people with disabilities


  • Edson Sidnei Maciel Teixeira
  • Lizandra Garcia Lupi Vergara
  • Maria Lucia Leite Ribeiro Okimoto



Workstations. People with Disabilities. Manufacturing.Perception. Industry.


Inclusion of people with disabilities in industrial manufacturing worstations is still very complex, considering the limitations and restrictions of both, physical structure and personal skills. Thus, research that seeks the experience of those involved to understand ways of accomplishing this inclusion process becomes relevant. This paper presents the development of a research that aims to identify the perception of workers without disability of industrial production on how adequate are the industrial stations for the inclusion of people with disabilities. To this, it’s based on an exploratory qualitative approach with the application of semi-structured interviews. From this data collected, it was verified that the workers understand that the workstations are not adequate, just as there are several difficulties to include these people. The conclusions help us to understand the point of view of the current workers and in the exploration of new models of inclusion.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, E. S. M., Vergara, L. G. L., & Okimoto, M. L. L. R. (2019). Practical perceptions of industrial manufacturing workstations adequacy for the inclusion of people with disabilities. Revista Produção Online, 19(2), 449–475.


