Energy efficiency: strategic programs and innovative technologies in selected countries
Energy Efficiency. Strategic Programs. Innovative Technologies.Abstract
Energy efficiency is widely accepted as one of the strategies currently used to reduce energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. To promote energy efficiency it is necessary to develop environmental policies that foster innovative technologies. In this context, the research aims to present a general comparison in selected countries in the area of energy efficiency, in order to propose relevant aspects to improve the Brazilian case. Thus, a systematic mapping was conducted along with a patent analysis in order to provide an overview of the area. We evaluated 34 studies resulting from the application of the determined methodological flow. As a result, the research demonstrated applications of program strategies in the area of energy efficiency in selected countries that can be consolidated in Brazil in private and public sector partnerships to enable improvements in energy use, without accounting for the environmental advantages. In addition, the progress and evolution of technologies in different economic sectors of Brazil and information of published patent documents in different countries were exposed.Downloads
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