Use of reverse logistics for discharge of fluorescent lamps according to PNRS standards: the case of the federal institute of education of Rio Grande do Sul
Reverse Logistics. Fluorescent lamps. National Policy on Solid Waste. Waste Management.Abstract
The present work describes the use of reverse logistics to perform the correct disposal of fluorescent lamps in a public agency of the Federal Network of Brazilian Education, having as parameter the National Solid Waste Policy (PNRS) established by Law 12,305 / 2010. Methodologically, the research is characterized as exploratory, with a classification of results, instrumented by means of a case study. As main results, it was verified that significant part of the interviewees understands that the determination by the responsibility in the management of residues of fluorescent lamps is not well established, both in norm and in practice. It was also observed that for most of the interviewees, the solid residues of fluorescent lamps are receiving adequate treatment at their workplace.Downloads
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