Evaluation of the efficiency of terminals that movement containers in brazil: a combined approach


  • Renato Leite Fernandes CASOP - Marinha do Brasil Centro Universitário UniLasalle-RJ
  • Marcos Pereira Estellita Lins UFRJ - COPPE
  • Maria Ines Vasconcellos Furtado Centro Universitário UniLasalle/RJ
  • Hélio Rodrigues Valim Centro Universitário UniLasalle/RJ




Container Terminals. Efficiency. Combined Approach. DEA. Cognitive Maps


The maritime transport is of great importance for Brazilians’ national economic development, mainly in an international scenario of globalization. Specialized container terminals are highly relevant in this context, since they represent the main link of cargo handling by means of containers, which usually carry goods of higher added value. Therefore, the evaluation of the efficiency of these terminals is of great importance. Despite some papers have been using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to measure the efficiency of port terminals in a quantitative approach, the mathematical limitations of this modelling do not allow the use of many variables. In this case, the use of cognitive maps, in a qualitative approach, allows to identify other variables that are relevant for a more complete analysis of efficiency. The aim of this report is to articulate a quantitative approach to a qualitative one, generating a combined approach that might allow a broader and more complete analysis of the relevant variables that operate in the container handling port sector, enabling a better understanding of efficiency in this important sector.


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Author Biography

Renato Leite Fernandes, CASOP - Marinha do Brasil Centro Universitário UniLasalle-RJ

Oficial Superior da Marinha do Brasil e Professor do Centro Universitário Unilasalle-RJ, possui bacharelado em Ciências Navais pela Escola Naval (1997) e mestrado em Engenharia de Produção pela COPPE UFRJ (2010). Tem experiência na área de Pesquisa Operacional e na análise e avaliação de exercícios operativos da Marinha do Brasil, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Análise de Decisão, Métodos de Apoio à Decisão Multicritério, Pesquisa Operacional, Administração da Produção e Qualidade.


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How to Cite

Fernandes, R. L., Estellita Lins, M. P., Furtado, M. I. V., & Valim, H. R. (2017). Evaluation of the efficiency of terminals that movement containers in brazil: a combined approach. Revista Produção Online, 17(3), 1045–1068. https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v17i3.2761


