Analysis of the profiles of the students of the first ead course in production engineering in the institution of higher public education




Distance learning. Human factors at work. Production engineering. CEDERJ and CEFET.


Data on distance learning courses, published in studies of official Brazilian bodies such as INEP, point to a significant increase in the number of students and courses in this mode of distance education. The distance engineering course of Production Engineering, joint proposal of CEFET / RJ, UFF and the CEDERJ consortium is a new initiative created in the middle of a scenario of expansion of the demand for training, expansion of the teaching modality, and stimulus of organs such as CAPES and ABENGE to increase the number of engineers in the country. This article aims to analyze the profile of the students of the Production Engineering course offered to society by CEFET-RJ and UFF, through the CEDERJ consortium, from the first semester of 2015. The qualitative methodology adopted in the study allowed elaborating a panorama General about the teaching of Production Engineering and the CEDERJ consortium, a detailed description of the course and its basic structure. Through the data collected in CEDERJ and in the academic control system of CEFET-RJ, a preliminary analysis of the sociodemographic profile of the students enrolled in the course was performed. It was possible to perceive that the course is attending mainly to students of the state of Rio de Janeiro, coming from public institutions of high school, males and with average age of 30 years


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How to Cite

Assumpção, G. de S., Hamada, P. C., & Castro, A. de C. (2018). Analysis of the profiles of the students of the first ead course in production engineering in the institution of higher public education. Revista Produção Online, 18(2), 404–423.


