Predictors of retention and customer loyalty in gyms




Loyalty. Retention. Service Quality. Barriers to Change. Gyms.


Customer loyalty must be viewed as a sustainable and indispensable advantage to the survival of a service organization. For this reason, academics and professionals have been engaged in working on strategies which aim at increasing the perception of service quality and barriers that prevent desertion. The objective of this study was to verify the influence of the perceived quality and the relational barriers to the change in customer loyalty and retention in gyms. The research, which has descriptive nature, was performed in two gymnasiums with a sample n = 228. The dimensions of Quality and Relational Barriers to Change were taken as independent variables and submitted to logistic regression analysis for retention and for loyalty. The results demonstrated that the tangible aspects associated with service are the dimension of quality that most affects loyalty. The predictive study of retention showed the frequency of service utilization as the most important variable associated with repurchasing, followed by empathy. We conclude that quality of service and barriers positively influence loyalty and customer retention although there are different predictors of retention and loyalty. In addition, quality has a greater power of influence than relational barriers, especially regarding loyalty.


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Author Biographies

David de França Arcoverde, Faculdade Boa Viagem-DeVry

Mestre em Gestão Empresarial, gestor educacional e professor.

Marcus Augusto Vasconcelos Araújo, Faculdade Boa Viagem-DeVry

Professor Dr. no Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Administração da FBV/DeVry


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How to Cite

Arcoverde, D. de F., & Araújo, M. A. V. (2018). Predictors of retention and customer loyalty in gyms. Revista Produção Online, 18(1), 118–143.


