Internal organizational factors which facilitate or inhibit product innovation: a case study in a company using eto production strategy


  • Rogério Gonçalves Donha Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Márcia Regina Neves Guimarães Universidade Federal de São Carlos



Organizational Factors. Product development. Engineering to order. Innovation.


Innovation is considered important when it comes to the competitiveness of organizations in general. Thus, the understanding of the factors that facilitate and also those that hinder their practice becomes relevant. In this context, this article aims to identify internal organizational factors that may facilitate or inhibit product innovation in the development of ETO (engineer to order) products. This qualitative research uses the single case study in a multinational company as a procedure method. Among the main results, internal organizational factors that favor innovation are cited: freedom and autonomy in the conduct of projects, availability of financial resources, continuous learning and the sharing of experiences and the existence of key individuals. On the other hand, as inhibitors, the following stand out: lack of time due to high workload, inefficient training policy and lack of cross-functional integration.


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How to Cite

Donha, R. G., & Guimarães, M. R. N. (2017). Internal organizational factors which facilitate or inhibit product innovation: a case study in a company using eto production strategy. Revista Produção Online, 17(4), 1379–1401.


