Analysis of economic viability of the implementation of a photovoltaic energy system in the residences of Uberaba


  • Flávia de Castro Camioto
  • Vanessa Peres Rezende Garcia Gomes



Solar Energy. Photovoltaic System. Economic Viability. Residences. Risk.


Electric energy in Brazil has been increasing in demand, causing questions to be raised about generating sources and their impacts on society and on the environment. Solar energy is a clean energy and presents great potential, but in Brazil, its use is not always economically viable compared to other energy sources, such as hydroelectric plants. The objective of this work is to analyze the economic viability of the implantation of a photovoltaic system in residences in the city of Uberaba-MG. In order to reach the proposed objective, the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (TIR) were used, in addition to the Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the risk of implementing this system in each tariff flag. The results indicate that it is feasible to invest in photovoltaic energy in Uberaba-MG residences only when the tariff flag is red or yellow, and that in the presence of green flags the risk of this implantation be unviable is greater than 90%. These results considered the current Brazilian economic situation, with the Minimum Attractiveness Rate equal to 9.15%, close to Selic rate.


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How to Cite

Camioto, F. de C., & Peres Rezende Garcia Gomes, V. (2018). Analysis of economic viability of the implementation of a photovoltaic energy system in the residences of Uberaba. Revista Produção Online, 18(4), 1159–1180.


