The working day limitation and impacts on the health of stork drivers


  • Daniela Emma Roppoli Faculdade Novos Horizontes
  • Maria Elizabeth Antunes Lima Faculdade Novos Horizontes



New Professional Driver Law. Labour Organization. Stork Drivers. Health.


This study was developed After long debates in our Society in a matter of the use of drugs by professional drivers with the scale of their jobs witch they are exposed. The short period of time to deal with their package delivery, the long work journey instead of scale, payment per productivity, are facts that, so many times, force then to look for psychoactive drugs, in order to keep themselves awake and fulfill their goal, which had been demanded to them.  Therefore, the objective was to get knowledge about the regimentation of their work journey on the health of the professional drivers, most specifically the car-carrier truck drivers. The research field was a medium size company, that works in logistic segment of brand-new cars, located in Betim-MG. This was a case study, based on field observations, documentary analysis and interviews with six storers, the production manager, the health and safety manager and the owner of the company, and the saturation criterion was adopted. The results allowed the understanding that, in the company studied, the work journey is well controlled in a variable character perspective, that’s what reduces the drivers fatigue. The pauses during the travels are respected as well and it represents an important regulation mechanism, foresing diseases and even accidents, because the drivers work while rested and they don’t have the needing of the use of psychoactive drugs to keep them awake.  The study brings the contribution to prevent the use of psychoactive substances, work accidents and other problems that might disturb the professional driver’s health. It’s only limitation is in a matter of the difficulty to compare it’s results with other researches because of the scarcity of literature and updated statistic data about the theme as well


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Author Biographies

Daniela Emma Roppoli, Faculdade Novos Horizontes

Mestrado em Administração

Área: Relações de Poder e Dinâmica das Organizações

Maria Elizabeth Antunes Lima, Faculdade Novos Horizontes


Núcleo de Relações de Trabalho e Tecnologias de Gestão (NURTEG)


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How to Cite

Roppoli, D. E., & Lima, M. E. A. (2018). The working day limitation and impacts on the health of stork drivers. Revista Produção Online, 18(2), 379–403.


