Aplication real options theory for evaluating policy public: the inovar auto polcy in brasilian automotive sector


  • Francisco Alexandre de Oliveira Universidade Estadual Paulista




Inovar-Auto. Decision making. Real Options Theory.


The automotive industry moves a huge chain that includes manufacturers and suppliers, gas stations, insurance companies, auto repair shops, tire stores, media companies, advertising agencies, among others. Aware of this importance the federal government through the Law No. 12715 of 17 December 2012 establishing a Programme to Encourage Innovation and Densification of the Productive Chain of Motor Vehicles - INOVAR-AUTO in order to support technology development, innovation, safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency and the quality of cars, trucks, buses and auto parts. As a specific goal, it demonstrated the importance of the automotive sector in the Brazilian economic context. Therefore, an exploratory and documentary literature on the subject was held as well as a case study in a car company from Japan. Therefore, the companies take public politician whenever they can measure gain from implementation of then. Likewise, this research shows Real Options Theory´s application as it is in the Public politician of  Programme to Encourage Innovation and Densification of the Productive Chain of Motor Vehicles. The model for taking decision follows the American way in a project for an factory installation for vehicles which wants join to INOVAR AUTO. The results show that it is not interesting for the company to adopt such a policy for the stipulated period of five years.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, F. A. de. (2018). Aplication real options theory for evaluating policy public: the inovar auto polcy in brasilian automotive sector. Revista Produção Online, 18(1), 63–92. https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v18i1.2582


