Occupational exposure limits of regulatory health and safety at work of brazilian with low temperatures


  • Fabiano Takeda Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
  • Antonio Renato Pereira Moro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC




Thermography. Slaughterhouse. Regulatory standards. Cold.


The objective of the study was to analyze the results of thermographic images of the skin surface of parts of the body of workers exposed to low temperature activities in a sector of cuts of chickens and to compare with the limits of tolerance of the laws and norms regulating health and safety national authorities. Thermographic evaluations were performed on the hands and feet of workers and evaluations in the work room as determined by regulatory standards. The evaluations demonstrate that the environmental results meet the legal requirements of the Brazilian health and safety regulations, but temperatures on the toes and hands were found that, compared to the physiological parameters, show conditions that can cause discomfort due to cooling, numbness, pain, neuromuscular dysfunctions, onset of lesions and diseases caused by low temperatures. It is concluded that national laws and regulations for exposure to cold determine insufficient criteria to maintain the control and preservation of the health and integrity of people in activities with exposure to low temperatures, resulting in practical implications for the assessment and control of exposure to risks.


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Author Biographies

Fabiano Takeda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

PPGEP - Engenharia de Produção - Ergonomia

Antonio Renato Pereira Moro, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

PPGEP - Engenharia de Produção - Ergonomia


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How to Cite

Takeda, F., & Moro, A. R. P. (2017). Occupational exposure limits of regulatory health and safety at work of brazilian with low temperatures. Revista Produção Online, 17(4), 1249–1271. https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v17i4.2577


