Risk assessment in the supply chain: a study in the food sector exploration


  • Liane Márcia Freitas Silva UFPB/UNESP
  • Ana Camila Rodrigues de Oliveira UFPB
  • Maria Silene Alexandre Leite UFPB
  • Fernando Augusto Silva Marins UNESP




Risks. Risk Assessment. Risk Management In The Supply Chain. Food Industry.


This article presents the risk assessment in two major companies participating in two food supply chain. From the theoretical survey, a questionnaire was used based on 24 ratings risks to map the risks to companies and their repercussions in the supply chains to which they belong. The questionnaires were answered by the management level individuals due to the extensive knowledge they possess. Later, there was a risk analysis through arrays using the frequency of occurrence of dimensions and impact of the risk. The main results showed that the surveyed companies have similar risks in relation to internal risks such as the risk of demand, capacity, information and operational risk. This shows that the investigated companies still have difficulties in managing that can affect your business. It was also observed that the amount of external risks to the company was fewer and external risks to non-existent chain. Finally, the most critical risks for both companies were raised, and for the company to these were: operational risk, inventory and price, while for Company B were: price risk, logistics, customer and operating. Thus, it can be concluded that the risk assessment, although qualitative, it is essential to establish the appropriate mitigation strategies.


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Author Biography

Liane Márcia Freitas Silva, UFPB/UNESP

Graduação em Engenheira de Produção Mecânica (2005) e Mestre em Engenheira de Produção (2008) pela UFPB.  Professora departamento de Engenharia de Produção da UFPB. Doutoranda em Engenharia Mecânica, na UNESP, na área de Gestão e Otimização. Atua na área de gestão da produção, voltando-se especialmente para as áreas de PCP e logística.



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How to Cite

Silva, L. M. F., de Oliveira, A. C. R., Leite, M. S. A., & Marins, F. A. S. (2017). Risk assessment in the supply chain: a study in the food sector exploration. Revista Produção Online, 17(1), 351–375. https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v17i1.2559


