Model to determine the quantities of spare parts in stock in a power generation plant


  • Alberto Magno Teodoro Filho UNICAMP
  • Marcos de Andrade Schroeder UNICAMP
  • Paulo Sérgio de Arruda Ignácio UNICAMP
  • Gabriel Alves da Costa Lima AREMAS



Maintenance, Inventory. Spare parts.


This paper presents a simulation model to evaluate the total downtime of a power generation plant due to lack of spare parts as a function of inventory levels of each one of these parts. The model considers items that appear once or twice in the system with reliability configuration such as series and parallel, with or without preventive replacement policy. The stochastic optimization based on Scatter Search metaheuristic is used to set inventory levels in order to minimize the mean total downtime due to lack of parts and respecting the statistical constraints over the total amount spent for the planning horizon. The results indicated that, for example, if the cost constraint of R$ 550,000 for 10 years is increased by 9.1%, the mean total downtime is reduced by 55.9% (from 617 to 272 hours).Therefore, it demonstrates that optimization of inventory levels based on different constraints allows us to understand the trade-off between availability and cost, which helps the company to choose inventory (stock) strategy that uses resources efficiently and meets operational expectations.


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Author Biography

Alberto Magno Teodoro Filho, UNICAMP

Engenheiro de Produção formado pela UFSCar Campus Sorocaba (2011)

Mestrando em Pesquisa Operacional pela UNICAMP - Campus FCA


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How to Cite

Teodoro Filho, A. M., Schroeder, M. de A., Ignácio, P. S. de A., & Costa Lima, G. A. da. (2017). Model to determine the quantities of spare parts in stock in a power generation plant. Revista Produção Online, 17(3), 828–856.


