Software as service: a case study


  • Nubia Caversan UFSCar
  • Andrea Lago da Silva UFSCar
  • Luciana Torres Correia de Mello UFSCar



Service. Software ss Service. Servitization. Information Technology.


This article analyzes the servitization process in an information technology company. Initially, a literature review was carried out, followed by a case study in the software company.  Direct observations and interviews with the collaborators directly involved in the process were conducted, characterizing motivations, changes and challenges.  Based on the analysis of the results, a checklist was developed that helps companies to adopt this practice.  Some actions are important when implementing servitization: a portfolio review of products and clients; preparing frontline teams, involving management and leadership, contract management and improvement management.


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How to Cite

Caversan, N., Silva, A. L. da, & Mello, L. T. C. de. (2017). Software as service: a case study. Revista Produção Online, 17(1), 152–175.


