A robust heuristic for parallel machines scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times


  • Leandro Resende Mundim Universidade de São Paulo/ICMC
  • Helio Yochihiro Fuchigami Universidade Federal de Goiás / Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia




Scheduling. Parallel machines. Sequence-dependent setup times. Heuristic.


This paper addresses the problem of minimizing makespan on m-parallel machine with setup times separated of processing times of jobs and sequence-dependent. A robust and efficient heuristic was proposed and computationally implemented. Results were tested by instances generated based on works of the specific literature and compared to a model of mixed integer linear programming proposed as a lower bound for the makespan. The quality of the heuristic solution was measured by percentage deviation of lower bound. Experiments demonstrated both the solution’s efficacy, with average relative deviation of 5.51%, and computational efficiency of the heuristic, with negligible execution times.


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Author Biographies

Leandro Resende Mundim, Universidade de São Paulo/ICMC


Helio Yochihiro Fuchigami, Universidade Federal de Goiás / Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Engenharia de Produção


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How to Cite

Mundim, L. R., & Fuchigami, H. Y. (2017). A robust heuristic for parallel machines scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times. Revista Produção Online, 17(2), 463–481. https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v17i2.2375


