Diagnostic of berliner process, elementary behavior and error mode causing electricity interruption


  • Vanessa Nóbrega da Silva
  • Márcio José das Chagas Moura Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Suelyn Fabiana Aciole Morais




Human Reliability. Human Error. Taxonomy. Cluster Analysis. Measurement Costs. Electrical Sector.


Human performance has been studied in face of limitations imposed on the environment which reflect the performance of the employee. So that human errors are minimized it is necessary to analyze them, proposing mitigation actions. The aim of this research is adding error type "lapse" to the structure proposed by Vilela (2013). Subsequently it is carried out an analysis of groupings to observe which failure modes, basic behavior and Berliner process caused more electricity disruption between 1998 and 2009. To this end, the methodology was based on a cluster analysis which assisted in the division of human errors by groups of similar characteristics, thus providing a more realistic identification of human behavior which caused the error. Therefore this research provides support for a proposition of solutions that may contribute to the reduction of human errors. The result of cluster analysis identified the groups 3 and 4 as major sources of electric power outages. The measurement of costs involved in electric power interruption was also performed, which evidences the high loss of company's revenue in the studied period.


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How to Cite

Silva, V. N. da, Moura, M. J. das C., & Morais, S. F. A. (2016). Diagnostic of berliner process, elementary behavior and error mode causing electricity interruption. Revista Produção Online, 16(4), 1118–1141. https://doi.org/10.14488/1676-1901.v16i4.1795


