Brand image, cultural events and loyalty in mobile industry


  • Thelma Valéria Rocha ESPM (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)
  • Natália Hara Katayama ESPM
  • Christophe Fabien Fuhrer ESPM
  • Thereza Cherubini ESPM



Marketing Strategy. Cultural Activities. Brand Image. Loyalty.


: This study analyses the effect of cultural events in brand image and customers’ loyalty in the mobile industry. The main relevance is to discuss the effectiveness’ of cultural events, those demanding high investments’ for the companies which have to explain the results in terms of loyalty and brand image. The subject is reviewed theoretical considering three topics: cultural events, brand image and loyalty, which lead to hypotheses to be tested. The field research of a quantitative nature uses the survey method, which was applied to 150 teenagers consumers of mobiles companies, classes A and B. The results of field research show that there is a positive relationship between cultural activities and brand image, and between the brand image and loyalty. However, there was significant correlation between cultural events and loyalty only to B Company. It may be related with B events wish were prepared to this target and may improve loyalty. To companies as A and C, brand image acts as moderator between cultural events and loyalty. These results indicated that cultural events may have impact in loyalty, since the company developed those actions to the target. As contribution, this study fills a gap which is the study that discusses effect of cultural activities on brand image and loyalty, in emerging economies, as Brazil, where few researches consider cultural events.


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Author Biographies

Thelma Valéria Rocha, ESPM (Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing)

Thelma Rocha é Coordenadora do Programa de Mestrado em Gestão Internacional da ESPM. Doutora em Administração de Empresas pela FEA USP, Mestre em Administração pela EAESP-FGV, com especialização em International Business pela SSE -Suécia.

Natália Hara Katayama, ESPM

Cursou Master of Science em Marketing e MBA em Finanças nos Estados Unidos

Christophe Fabien Fuhrer, ESPM

Supervisor de Planejamento Financeiro na Dalkia

Thereza Cherubini, ESPM

Analista de Feminine Care para Tampons na Kimberly Clark



How to Cite

Rocha, T. V., Katayama, N. H., Fuhrer, C. F., & Cherubini, T. (2013). Brand image, cultural events and loyalty in mobile industry. Revista Produção Online, 13(2), 450–478.


