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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is unique and is not under evaluation for publication by another journal or conference or event.
  • The files for submissions are in the Microsoft Word format (.doc), OpenOffice, or RTF. The file didn`t exceed 3MB.
  • All web addresses (URLs) included on the text (Ex.: ) are activated and ready to click.
  • The text follows the required format:

    Number of words: between 6000 and 8000 words 
    Text Editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later (for the sake of compatibility, please use .doc format) 
    Margins: left and top 3 cm; right and bottom 2 cm 
    Font: Arial, size 12 
    Paragraph: 1.27 cm 
    Spacing between lines: 1.5 cm 
    Justified alignment 

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines in the section “About”.
  • Articles must be unpublished and authored by the authors in order to be published in Revista Produção Online. Authors are solely responsible for unpublished articles and authorship, under penalty of being barred from future presentations in this journal or other legal sanctions that may apply. The Editorial Board of Produção Online condemns actions that could be considered copying, plagiarism or equivalent.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

Focus: The Produção Online journal publishes papers in Portuguese, Spanish or English related to the field of production engineering. It is published under the responsibility of the Brazilian Association of Industrial Engineering and the Federal University of Santa Catarina. 

Standards For Work Presentation 

To submit the article for publication in the Production Online journal, a full copy must be sent, which must be original, to be evaluated by members of the Editorial Board. 
Authors should forward it by completing the electronic available on the website at:

Job Submission -> Submit Articles 

Published papers may be reproduced in whole or in part, considering that the source is acknowledged.

The journal does not charge processing fees.

It is noteworthy that the Editorial Board of ABEPRO (NEA) determines that the authors indicate in the article, in a footnote, that the text is unpublished, if the paper was funded, or if it is the result of the Master's dissertation or Doctoral thesis. In the case of research with human beings, the authors should inform that the research was approved by the Ethics Committee of the area, indicating the process number. 


Papers should be submitted with the following characteristics: 

Number of words: between 6000 and 8000 words 
Text Editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later (for the sake of compatibility, please use .doc format) 
Margins: left and top 3 cm; right and bottom 2 cm 
Font: Arial, size 12 
Paragraph: 1.27 cm 
Spacing between lines: 1.5 cm 
Justified alignment 

Text - the first page of the article should contain: 

Centralized title, in capital and bold, size 12, accompanied by his English translation. 

Authors' credentials: 

After the title in English and Portuguese should come the credentials of all authors of the article including: e-mail address and institution. 

Abstract in Portuguese, with about 200 words, single-spaced, justified, containing study field, goal, method, results and conclusions. 
- Five key words in Portuguese. 

Abstract in English with about 150 words, single-spaced, justified, containing study field, goal, method, results and conclusions. 
- Five key words, in English. 

Graphic materials: 

Graphics with appropriate quality should be inserted directly in the text, duly identified by their serial number. If the illustrations have been published previously, please mention the source. 


Tables must be accompanied by a header which clarifies the meaning of the gathered data. Tables must be duly identified by their serial number. 


References should be written according to ABNT standard (NBR-6023). This standard can be found at the following site: There, various reference examples are shown in accordance with ABNT. 


They can be used in the case of extensive lists, statistics or other support elements.

Below you can find a paper model to be used as an example:

Privacy Statement

The names, addresses and additional data provided by the authors and reviewers will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be available for other purposes or to third parties.