Regional potential for wind farm implementation

an approach through the Analytic Hierarchy Process


  • Vanielle Aparecida do Patrocinio Gomes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), São Mateus, ES, Brasil.
  • Rodrigo Randow de Freitas Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), São Mateus, ES, Brasil.



AHP, Wind Energy, Espirito Santo, Wind Farm


Wind energy is playing a fundamental role in Brazil's energy matrix, one of the reasons is that the country has characteristics that contribute to this type of energy, especially the wind regime. The Brazilian northeast region is currently where the largest number of wind farms are concentrated, however, the coast of the state of Espirito Santo has installable wind potential and does not have any wind farms installed. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the potential of the municipalities of Linhares, São Mateus and Conceição da Barra, located in the northern region of the state, to receive the implementation of wind farms, in order to rank them in terms of their capacity and potential development. activity, when compared to each other. For this, a multicriteria analysis method for decision making, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), was used. The results showed that the indicator considered most relevant at the time of decision making was the environmental one, and that the municipality with the greatest potential to receive the installation of a wind farm is Linhares, and according to the literature, on the north coast of the municipality is represents the greatest potential. Site characteristics such as wind, environment and space contribute to the result found.


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How to Cite

Gomes, V. A. do P., & Freitas, R. R. de. (2023). Regional potential for wind farm implementation: an approach through the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Revista Produção Online, 22(4), 3719–3745.


